How to add or claim your company or service. “Free for most levels!”
Adding your company or service is easy:
Step One: Go to “List your Company” Step Two: Type Your Company Name in “Search” or click on Add your Listing. Step Three: Choose Your Type of Listing. Step Four: Choose your level.
Bronze level listing: Always “FREE” , just claim your listing. no coupon code needed.
Silver level listing: ALWAYS FREE with Coupon code: acasilver12 (Coupon expiration date is May 2021)
Again FREE if you claimyour listing before May 31st, 2021!!!!!
Silver level coupon code: acasilver12
GOLD Listing level Requirements
The original mission and purpose of the Arizona Care Alliance which remains today was to allow all companies that service the Arizona 50-Plus Community in Arizona to list their company or service for FREE!
We only asked that companies voluntarily add a back-link or white-link on their website back to This will help to lift the site up in the search engine rankings.
Here is a way to encourage you or your webmaster to place a banner on your website with a link back to in the new website, we will be able to encourage and monitor this through choices.
Choice One: Pay for Gold Listing. The coupon code will allow you 3 months FREE! – Assuming you use the code with the expiration date of 4-30-2021.
Choice Two: Add a link on your website back to website. The listing is FREEforever!!
Gold level coupon code: acagold12
Setting Up Your Listing
Step one to set up you company:
Please watch the video for complete instructions as well as how to apply the coupon code.
Still have questions here is a complete overview from why to how, from beginning to end.
Download the banner for your website below. us this link to white-link back to ACA Website.
Due to Covid-19, protecting both you and our current residents of the Assisted Living Care Communities and Group Homes is our highest priority. Therefore an appointment for a tour is required. We will notify the home that you would like a tour, and one of our resource partners will contact you to arrange a time and answer your questions.